And so, there I was, lay in bed this morning, thinking about the New
Year and about what resolutions I may be considering. What would be the good
intentions that I would / could / maybe set off with into 2012.
So here they are ... but for a man with no resolve, what’s the odds of any of the following happening??
and burps – so apparently it’s not good practice to break wind loudly in front
of the kids or teach them to burp ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’ on demand?? Now I see these as essential life skills and
ones that should be actively encouraged during their formative years, however
now that they’ve been trained I suppose there’s no problem with trying to stop
it myself.
– ha ha… I may say this while drunk at midnight on the 31st
December, but in reality, as if this is possible. The best intentions of a ‘dry
January’ will be sadly thrown out of the window by the time I arrive for a
family New Year Dinner and have spent 10 minutes in a world of ‘outlaw’ madness.
– this year I may reclaim the TV!!! Ah..
I remember a time, a time before children (yes I have a good memory) it was a
lovely time, one where I could get up and read the papers while casually
sipping on coffee and watching the news in peace and tranquillity. Then along
came my two gorgeous girls and since then my world has moved from Cbeebies
through to Nick Jnr and with it my disengagement with my own TV. Now, I did try to solve this last year with an
new extension and a shiny new televsion, but instead now I have two rooms with two different kids
channels on.